We have been receiving a lot of inquiries about determination of ethanol (alcohol) content (vol%) in disinfection solution and hand sanitizer for infection prevention from the newcomers in this industry who are planning to manufacture the disinfectant products and inspection companies who check the quality of commercial products on the market.
Our technology of density meter to determine alcohol content is used for quality control in production of not only wine, sprits or beer, but also disinfection solution and hand sanitizer. The ethanol concentration in disinfectant solution and hand sanitizer is generally adjusted to be around 70% to exert the best bactericidal effect.
Our portable density meter DA-130N and alcoholmeter ALM155 are easy to use for all operators to determine the ethanol concentration in the industry.
We introduce the application note and movies for disinfectant products on the blog measured by our instruments.
Application note:
Application movie: