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 Wine, Must and Oenology




Alcohol content is an item of major legal/regulative importance; the declaration of incorrect values potentially leading to severe penalties for wine producers. For this reason, it is crucial that the determination of alcohol content be done in accordance with official analysis methods. It is very important to check the density, specific gravity and alcohol content of wine during fermentation to verify its progress and to provide notice if it stops prematurely.

Must production

The density of grape juice prior to fermentation is very important to measure, as it indicates its sugar content and gives the producer an idea of the alcohol content that will be generated in the batch.

Oenological laboratories

In addition to providing analytical support to wineries, these laboratories can release certificates of analysis with legal validity. Just like wineries, these laboratories have to perform analyses in accordance with official methodology in order to be sure that they are certifying products correctly.


Application notes


APDA-0215ov_enL Determination of alcohol content in Australian red wine by Alcohol meter

APDA-0219ov_enL Determination of alcohol content in Australian white wine by Alcohol meter


APDA_0207ov_enL  Determination of alcohol content in Chilean red wine (medium-bodied wine) 

APDA-0214ov_enL Determination of alcohol content in Chilean white wine by Alcohol meter


APDA-0218ov_enL Determination of alcohol content in Chinese rice wine (shao hsing) by Alcohol meter


APDA_0211ov_enL Determination of alcohol content in French red wine by alcohol meter

APDA_0212ov_enL Determination of alcohol content in French white wine by alcohol meter


APDA-0217ov_en Determination of alcohol content in Germany white wine by Alcohol meter


APDA_0210ov_enL Determination of alcohol content in Italian red wine by alcohol meter


APDA-0216ov_enL Determination of alcohol content in Portuguese white wine  by Alcohol meter


APDA_0209ov_enL Determination of alcohol content in Spanish red wine by alcohol meter

APDA-0221ov_L Determination of alcohol content in Spanish white wine by Alcohol meter

United states

APDA-0220ov_enL Determination of alcohol content in American red wine by Alcohol meter

APDA-0222ov_enL Determination of alcohol content in American white wine by Alcohol meter


Automatic Potentiometric Titrator

TIF-12002enL Acidity of Red Wine 

TIF-99304enL Acidity of White Wine

TIF-99305enL Total acid (Free Acid) of Japanese Sake

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