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Why choose the ALM-155 Alcohol Meter?

1. Large number of applications

  • Measurement of the alcohol content in beer, wine, spirits, liqueur, vinegar, hand disinfectant etc.

  • Measurement of density, specific gravity, alcohol content, Brix, Babo, Baume at 20°C or 60°F
    Selective alcohol table OIML (vol%/wt%) /HMCE (at 20°C) /G225(at 20°C) /AOAC/NIST(At 60°F)

  • Samples of any color measureable without influence to accuracy or need for special preparation

  • Highly viscous samples measurable

2. High Resolution, Cost-Effective & Reliable

  • Measurement Resolution:

    • Alcohol 0.01 vol%

    • Density 0.00001 g/cm3

    • Specific gravity 0.00001

    • Brix 0.02

    • Babo 0.02 

    • Baume 0.01

  • Only small sample volume required for measurement, reducing waste and minimizing cost

  • Reliability that comes with technology 100% Made In Japan  

3. Easy operation, convenient functions

  • One touch operation

  • Measurement time of roughly 2~4 minutes

  • Automatic repeat measurement function

 4. Easy calibration & maintenance

  • Selection of one point calibration (pure water) or two point calibration (dry air and pure water)

  • Rinsing only requires pure water and cleaning only requires pure water and kitchen detergent

  • Product comes packed with all necessary accessories for standard operation 

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